Don't be fooled by the calendar.
There are only as many days in the year as you make use of.
Charles Richards
Happy Leap Day! I've always thought that statement sounded a little strange. But, when you think of that phrase in light of Mr. Richards' quote, it's a really great way to think of Leap Year -- an "extra" 24 hours we're given every four years!
We should always strive to make every day count, making a time each day for the things that matter. Even on days when you may not feel like "putting on" a positive attitude and showing up for life, ready to meet each new challenge, it's important to do your best to make the 24 hours you've been given an important time in your life.
My challenge to you for this "Leap Day" is to do something a little "extra" with the extra time you've been given for 2012! Think of someone who needs some extra encouragement. Offer to help a co-worker finish a project that is looming over them. Invest the money you would normally spend on expensive coffee drinks or meals into buying lunch for someone who doesn't seem to have a "social circle" of friends to do lunch with and usually spends that time alone.
Call your mother!
It's a great day to go that extra mile! This "extra" day is a free gift of time to help you accomplish your goals. It's an extra endowment of time you can use to make a difference!
I would love to hear from you regarding your use of this "free" day! If you'll leave your comment below, I will save your good ideas for the blog I will write in 2016 that will celebrate the difference one person can make in the life of another by making good use of this extra day!