Sunday, February 19, 2012

Never give up....

"We must accept finite disappointment but we must never lose infinite hope." 
-- Martin Luther King

When things go wrong, or when someone lets you down, it's easy to give up.  It seems convenient to just stop trying.  However, when you're facing something  that has derailed your plans, or worse, has brought you to a complete halt, it's wise to invest  a bit of time in figuring out what happened.  It's also wise to spend only the necessary amount of time in that "place" in your life!

Just because things have gone wrong, don't give up!  Find something hopeful in the situation.  Look diligently for a friend, or co-worker who is supportive and focus on finding the "hope" that you can do what you've set out to do.

Be realistic. Set specific, measurable, achievable goals, then focus on them and keep moving toward them.  Make every attempt to remain hopeful.

Some of the saddest people in the world are those who have no hope.  Look to your faith, your family, your friends, and your co-workers when things seem hopeless and be on the lookout for opportunities to help others who seem to be struggling.  You'll be glad you helped and you may find that your own situation is not as hopeless as you once thought.



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