Monday, February 13, 2012

Achieving Success

"The backbone of success is usually found in old fashioned, basic concepts like hard work, determination, good planning and perseverance."
Merlin Olsen

Merlin Olsen graduated summa cum laude with a degree in finance from Utah State University.  He was drafted into the NFL by the Los Angeles Rams and played for them  for 15 years.  During his football career he missed only two games and played in 14 Pro-Bowl Games.  Even more interesting to me is the fact  that while he was at the height of his football career he earned a masters degree in economics and an honorary doctorate in business.

Following his very successful football career, Olsen earned continued success as a broadcaster, actor and businessman. (Who can forget his years as pitch man for FTD Florists?  The big, tough football player loved flowers!)

Clearly, Mr. Olsen understood the value of  hard work, perseverance and good planning.

Make time today to look at your goals and your reality.  Be determined to make a good plan and be prepared to persevere to accomplish personal and professional goals.  You may have to go to work earlier, spend more time at the gym, or even make a career move, but when you make a good plan and set achievable goals, you can make a difference in your career, your family life and your relationships with friends.

Have a good week!  

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