Friday, February 24, 2012

Take a a book...

"He who knows best knows how little he knows." 
Thomas Jefferson

The mission statement of our school district is Striving for Excellence...Learning for All. This statement proves there is a belief in our school district that no one ever "knows it all" and that continuous learning is beneficial to individuals, as well as groups.

When I think of that mission statement, I consider the fact that while our public school is in the business of educating children, we also provide continuing education and professional development for our teachers and administrators.  

Continuous learning has been proven to stimulate the brain, and studies have even shown that people who keep their minds active and busy learning new things, don't show as many early signs of aging!  It's a win/win situation! Learning keeps you young!!  How great is that?

As the weekend approaches, my challenge to you is to find a good book and spend some time reading!  Reading a good story, even something fictional, opens your mind to new ideas and sets the stage for a great conversation. It provides a chance to learn about a new place, a new idea, or just a different perspective on an old idea.

Let me know what you're reading!



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