Saturday, March 10, 2012

The art of relaxing....

"Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits." 

Satchel Paige

The weekend is here, the weather is cooperating and a gentle wind is sending the scents of Spring wafting through my open window.  I've had things I've had to get accomplished today, and I still have a few things that need to be done, but I am looking forward to having a little bit of true "down time" this weekend!

Everyone needs a little time to spend clearing their mind of the clutter of overwhelming tasks, bills to pay and a busy lifestyle!  

If you're able to get away and spend some time in a quiet place outdoors, try spending just 15 minutes taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature.  Enjoy the view...listen for the sounds of birds singing...breathe in the aroma of the breeze. 

Think about creation. 

Think about the people you love.

Sit and think...or, in the words of the beloved Satchel Paige, "just sit".

Enjoy your down time!



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