Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"Insanity is expecting a change 
when you're doing everything the same way."
-- Albert Einstein

Several years ago, I decided, along with millions of others, that I needed to start prioritizing my time with a daily planner.  I took all the right steps!  I purchased the best planner, with the most appealing cover AND a matching tote bag!

I read dozens of different articles about time management and spent too much money on books about managing time and getting organized.  I was spending so much time trying to get organized, I didn't have time to get anything checked off my list!  

I made it a priority to get stylish new calendar pages at the beginning of each new year, always faithful to write family birthdays, annual events, and anniversaries on the crisp clean pages of my new calendar! Then, something  would happen and my priority lists, carefully labeled with "A", "B", and "C" priorities were soon vast lists filled with "A" priorities...most of which were "C" priorities at one time that weren't accomplished on the day I assigned them to myself so I moved their priority level to  "B"..... then to "A"!

After several years of doing this, I realized I was spending more time trying to manage my tasks than I was actually spending doing my tasks!  That's when I began making a list of tasks based on my mindset, temperament and personality.  My organizational style may not match yours, or anyone else for that matter, but even when I catch myself getting behind and tasks seem to be overwhelming me, I can sit down and tackle my list and my calendar and work it all out based on changes I made in my organizational style.

Some of the best advice I got as I was reorganizing my priorities and my busy schedule was from Dan Chiodo of Impact Training and Development. http://impactbydan.com/ He showed me a sample calendar with time set aside for family, career, self-improvement, professional development, and relaxation. The times and dates were clearly marked and his advice was to keep my calendar balanced, give each area of my life its proper time and focus on becoming the person I wanted to be.  

I accepted the fact that I would  never be the A, B, C priority type person and I began to simply block out specific times for faith, family, work, study, community service and relaxation.  I found that I had more time for everything when I set specific times for each of those important things in my life.

Think about your style of organizing. Are you a detail person who works best with prioritized lists, or are  you someone who might appreciate the visual organization of color coded markers on your calendar pages? 

Take the time to find your own style of organization. You might find one particular style that's already been tested, you might develop a combined plan of several different methods, or you might come up with the next "best thing" when it comes to a way to keep a busy person organized!



P.S. Dan Chiodo also has a great book dedicated to the task of organizing your busy day entitled Perfect Timing: Here's the Secret to Gaining Two Hours in Your Day available at http://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Timing-Heres-Secret-Gaining/dp/1449737390/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375822166&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=dan+ciodo

Friday, July 26, 2013

Investing in the Future....

This blog is a reprint of a post I wrote on  February 27, 2012.  I changed the title for this reprinting because of a major legislative issue making the headlines in Missouri news. HB253 will benefit only the very wealthy in Missouri and will be harmful to public schools as well as every other program in Missouri  that receives state funding. 

Each of us must be diligent to devote the time required to research this issue rather than let our minds "latch on" to the first well-done commercial or catchy headline we see. We are bombarded with so much information every time we turn on the computer or walk by a television that happens to be on hitting us with 15 second sound bytes of information, that it's difficult to focus on the actual issues at hand.

With so much information out there, it's difficult to sort fact from fiction, but it's vital that conscientious citizens take responsibility and base their decisions on factual information. When you've finished reading this, whether you are a fellow Missourian, or not, I encourage you to visit http://www.missourifuture.net/ and take a look at the information provided there as well as the list of groups and associations who are committed to making good things happen for the kids of Missouri! 

We are at a crossroads in Missouri.  We must  put divisions aside and make the effort to do what's best for everyone concerned, especially when it involves our children....our future.

Here's the blog....

Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen,
but give us the determination to make the right things happen 
-- Peter Marshall

Over the years, I've spent quite a bit of time as an advocate for public education.  I do this because I believe, as many of our founding fathers did, that an uneducated public is a quick way to put an end to a free society. I do this because I have grandchildren who will attend public schools.  I do this because I want to remind our legislators that when they appropriate money for public education, it's not "paying for" education for our students, it's "investing in the education of" our students.

And, let's just talk about the "return on investment" when it comes to our kids! 

The students enrolled in our high schools right now will be the teachers, doctors, truck drivers, law enforcement officers, soldiers, parents, farmers, engineers, business owners and a myriad of other professionals who  will be the first in line to take the torch of leadership from our generation.  As we "age out" of the work force and "into" retirement, home health care, nursing homes, hospitals and assisted living communities, it is the students we're investing in right now who will "run the show"!

I want them to do well!

I have been very busy, personally and professionally, but when it comes to doing what's right for the 900,000 children in the state of Missouri, I feel a strong sense of urgency when it comes to legislative issues affecting education!  I think they are worth the investment!

At the Missouri School Boards Association Governmental Relations Center, in Jefferson City, there is a quote on the wall that reads: "Education is the foundation of democracy."  This quote, long attributed to Thomas Jefferson sums up my strong feelings regarding public education. 

Thomas Jefferson believed in a society where talent and virtue should be educated regardless of wealth, birth or any other condition.  He believed that democracy could not long exist without education. He believed the education of our children should come at the common expense of our people. He also believed that without wise elected officials at every level, our education system could not thrive. 

Thomas Jefferson saw public education, quite literally, as the means of insuring political liberty for every generation!

My challenge to you is to go online right now and start gathering information about legislation you're interested in. Whether it's education, [such as the issue I mentioned earlier] or another area that affects your life,  see to it that your voice is heard in your state capitol and in the nation's capitol. Develop a determination within you to give your best, do your best, and to encourage others to do the same.



Some good sites to visit if you're interested in the education of our future leaders.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's all about perception....

We don't see things as they are. 
We see things as we are.
Anais Nin

It has been my experience in getting to know people that those individuals who always look for negative things are the same people who seem to be in a constant battle with managing the simple details of life. They seem to be critical of nearly everyone around them and they seem to have a "better way" of doing everything yet managing their own life seems to be an insurmountable task.

I'm not trying to draw attention to anyone in particular, and it's factual to say that there are times when I let negative influences affect me.  There have been times when I feel as though life situations "catch up" to me and knock me to the ground....sometimes, it seems, literally!

When I find myself focusing on overwhelming, negative things,  the attention I pay to those bad things coming my way  sets the tone for how I see other situations and other people.  When I'm feeling negative, I see things that really aren't so bad at all as big, bad, terrible things!

I attempt to remind myself at those times of the Anais Nin's quote above: "We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are." 

It's those times when I pray, do some self-talk and reflect on my life.  Changing my own attitude, counting my blessings, and focusing on good things...true things...beautiful things......helps me see more good, true, and beautiful things in the world around me.

Try focusing on the good and counting your blessings in the face of overwhelming, negative issues and let me know what happens!



Monday, June 3, 2013

For a friend.....

Enjoy when you can and endure when you must.
Johann Wolfgang von Goebe

Have you ever said to yourself, "If I can just get through this week, I will be fine!"

At times, we become so overloaded with work, civic, and family responsibilities it seems nearly impossible to believe it can all be done!

It's during those times we stop and "make a plan" to get things in order  and prioritize. Then, with a fierce determination we soldier on, accomplish the task, and promise that we'll never allow life to get that crazy again!

But what about the times when emergencies arise, when bad things happen, and life seems to go from from bad to worse....you think it can't possibly get any worse....then it does.

If we're not careful, those times of crisis or tragedy can overtake us and cause us to mentally, socially, spiritually, and sometimes physically "shut down". 

It's during those times we have to square our shoulders up, take a deep breath and just keep moving!  The very act of doing SOMETHING helps us endure those things life throws at us!

Doing SOMETHING to actively manage your situation, (instead of letting the situation manage you!)  will help you face the fear that may arise from the very circumstance you are facing.

Doing SOMETHING will help you stay focused on a positive outcome and enable you to pay attention to those around you who may be reaching out to help you.

My challenge for you is this: If life's troubles have brought you down, stop for just a little while.  (You may as well spend a bit of time praying while you're already on your knees!) 

Then...look up!  Look for something to do!  Look for someone who is probably already there, reaching out to help you!

Lastly, when you've made it through the struggle, look around and find someone else who is enduring the same kind of situation and reach out and lend a little encouragement!



Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy Mother's Day....

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. 
- Abraham Lincoln

Mother's Day weekend is upon us!

Even if, like me,  your own mother isn't with you any longer, there is a special mother out there who could use a little encouragement.  If you will pause for just a moment and think about all the mothers you know, you will be amazed!

You know young mothers, old mothers, single mothers, mothers who have husbands in the military and take on the extra responsibility gladly, mothers who struggle and mothers who seem to always have it all together. Think about the mother whose name came to your mind just now.  Does she need a little encouragement? Could she use a little break?  How about a small gift to commemorate the day and let her know that someone who is not obligated to think of her on Mother's Day remembered her?

For those of you who are blessed to be able to share Mother's Day with your mother, make plans right now to pay her a visit or giver her a call.  She will be blessed by your remembrance!



Monday, April 1, 2013

Make the right things happen...

“Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, 

but give us the determination to make the right things happen.”

--Horace Mann

Born in 1796, Horace Mann is considered to be one of our nation's first education reformers.  He believed that "universal public education was the best way to turn the nation's unruly children into disciplined, ...judicious citizens."

Mann served as state representative, senator, and Secretary of the State Board of Education in Massachusetts and went on to serve that state in the United States House of Representatives.  A well-educated man, and brother-in-law to famed  writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, he placed a great deal of value on education and believed heartily in public support of local schools that should be made available to the masses.

He believed that children should be educated and that such education should be provided by an interested public.  To that end, Mann worked to improve many facets of education.  He was a supporter of higher pay for teachers, quality training for teachers, a broader curriculum for all students, and  he believed the American people should provide "more and better equipped school houses."

Over the decades that have come and gone, those same values are just as true today as they were then.  As a matter of fact, with the advances of technology and the sheer amount of information our students and teachers are responsible for, it is even more true today!  

We must be able to pay high-quality teachers enough to attract them to the profession and keep them there.  

We must continually update curriculum to be certain our children are learning the right things at the right time in their academic careers.

And, we must take the responsibility of building and maintaining our public school "houses" to the highest standards available.  Those school "houses" are the living and learning environment for our children for a majority of their days.  To learn and achieve at the levels expected of them, our school "houses" must be safe, clean and comfortable.  It makes sense that when a student has a great environment to learn in, and great teachers to lead them to become learners, they will succeed in life.

Tomorrow is Election Day in my home town of Houston, Missouri,  and there is an issue on the ballot that will make a difference in the future of our city, the surrounding community, and most importantly, it will make a difference in the lives of our children.  It is an instance in time when a "YES" vote will have an immediate and far-reaching affect on our future.  

The passage of this particular school bond issue will make it possible to improve the learning environment for our students, so I hope that when my fellow citizens head to the polls tomorrow they think like Horace Mann and have a "determination to make the right things happen" for our most important commodity -- our children!



Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Things change...

No man ever steps in the same river twice, 
for it's not the same river and 
he's not the same man.

Lately, I've found myself re-thinking some of my basic beliefs and thoughts about faith, work,   ways of building and maintaining relationships.

I have found that I sometimes surprise myself by thinking something, or even saying something, that I may not have even considered a few years ago!

It's not that my fundamental beliefs about my faith, personal relationships, or ethical behavior have changed. I've simply learned to be more careful about finding out why I believe the things I believe!  I spend a little more time asking myself, "Why am I doing this?"

Was I wrong before? 

Not necessarily....although I have changed my thought process on certain issues!

Have I grown personally, professionally, spiritually, emotionally?  


Am I a different person than I was 10 years ago? 5 years ago? Last year? 


Has the world around my changed? 


My challenge to you is to think about your basic beliefs and see if there are things in your life that have changed to the point that you need to "re-think" your priorities.   

Maybe there's a family relationship that's gone sour and you need to work on that.  Maybe you need to get in touch with a friend you haven't seen in years, maybe you need to change jobs, or maybe you simply need to make a plan and get that big task that's hanging over your head done and out of your way!

Let me know how it goes!



Thursday, January 24, 2013

Find your happy place....

I do not understand 
how anyone can live 
without one small place of 
enchantment to turn to.
Marjorie Kiman Rawling

Can you describe your happy place? 

A place where you can be yourself, relax, and clear your mind of troubles and stress?

Is it a physical place that makes you feel content, or is your happiness there dependent on having certain people there with you sharing ideas, thoughts, and opinions?

Either way -- everyone needs a refuge.  We all need to  know there's a place to go where we feel safe, comfortable, and protected. 

Just this morning, I  was watching my cats, Mr. Jingles and Koshka as they played together on the patio.  Just as they were getting very involved in their game of tag and wrestling, our dog, Tipper, walked up to them.  Tipper is a very old dog and was not being assertive in any way, but her simple  presence startled them, ended their fun and they raced for the back door!

They were not happy!

When I opened the door, they raced through it and headed immediately for their favorite rug and within 5 minutes both were sleeping soundly without a care in the world.  They found their happy place! A place where they were warm, comfortable, and safe.

My challenge for you today is to define your happy place and resolve to go there now! 


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

It's a New Year.....

Your success and happiness lies in you. 
Resolve to keep happy, 
and your joy and you 
shall form an invincible 
host against difficulties. 
-- Helen Keller

It's that time of year when everyone is trying to decide if they're going to stick to their New Year's Resolutions. Gyms are still filled with people who have resolved to get fit, Nicorette gum is probably the best selling gum in the country, and office organizing supplies are flying off the shelves as we start sorting through last year's files and making a new plan for saving all those important records in 2013!

I usually try to set one or two goals for the new year, and they almost always involve being healthier, but it's very easy to forget those kinds of resolutions by the time the first boxes of Valentine's chocolates show up in stores!  (By the way, does that happen earlier every year?)

Nevertheless, shortly before the new year began I was visiting with my brother who was finishing up a project because it was one of his resolutions for 2012 and he wanted to get it checked off the list before the year ended.  Further questioning revealed that he actually makes a list of 10 resolutions to keep during each new year.  Most of them, he reported, are not "that big of a deal."

He lists achievable goals that even though they seem inconsequential, can make his, or someone else's life a little easier, or better.  For example, one of his resolutions from 2012 was to stop leaving newspapers laying around.  Some others have included keeping the inside of his truck cleaner, having his garden soil tested, saying "hello" more often, and giving up snack cupcakes. (I think Hostess helped him out with that one!)

For 2013, he has looked back over his lists from the last ten years and figured he had achieved roughly 60% of the goals he'd set, so he took the first 10 resolutions from past lists that were left unaccomplished and has set out to accomplish those things in 2013.  

Another friend of mine picks one word and focuses on that word for the entire year.  For 2012 her "focus word" was Courage.  Throughout that year, as she faced changes in her job, home improvement projects and life, in general,  her focus on courage gave her additional strength to press on!  

For 2013, her "focus word" is Less.  An interesting choice.



Less time wasted,  less clutter,  less money spent on things that don't matter, 10 pounds less weight, etc. 

What a great idea! 

My word for 2013 is Happiness.  I hope to take the words of Helen Keller to heart and find a little joy in every day!

My challenge to you is to look at the goals you've set for 2013. Whether it's a list of small achievable things, one really big thing,  or simply a  focus on a particular virtue or word, I wish you the best in accomplishing what you set out to achieve!

