Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm investing in.....

I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy, and focus to, 
whether positive or negative.
Adam McGinness

Have you ever been around someone who seems to belittle the things you deem important?  Is there someone in your office or a group you have membership with, who seems to constantly  "talk down" your ideas or  belittle your dreams and future plans?

I copied the quote you just read at the top of this blog from the Facebook page of a friend the other day and I've thought of the wisdom it holds many times since discovering it there!

What do you give your attention to?  Do you expend the largest amount of energy to working toward solutions, or just talking about the problems?  Where is your focus?

I believe we actually do become like the things we think about....the things we focus on.  If you are facing relationships, personal or professional, that are negative, take time to seriously consider the impact they have on your mental and physical well-being.

Distance yourself from the negative if you can.  If you can't see a way to make a change at this time, at least spend a bit of time every morning before you even get out of bed, and every evening just before you drift off to sleep, thinking of the most positive, uplifting relationships in your life.  

Those things you think of just as your mind begins to rest, will help determine how you rest! And, it's always easier to face the negative if you've "filled the tank" with lots of positive first!

A lady I used to work would share with us periodically about her prayer time and how valuable it was to her to start and end each day in prayer.  She was a part-time seamstress so it seemed especially descriptive when she would say to us, "A day hemmed on both ends with prayer is less likely to unravel!"

My challenge to you is to make an attempt to eliminate the negative and spend your time and energy focusing on the positive things in your life!  

Let me know how that works for you!



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