Monday, July 28, 2014

Take a break...

"To overextend yourself is to invite defeat."
G. William Domhoff

I determined long ago that the things that tire me most are those things that I've needed to do but just couldn't seem to find the time for because of my busy schedule!  You see, "doing" those things is not what tires me.  It's the idea of "NOT doing" them that really wears me down! 

When something seems important enough to be on the"to do" list, leaving it undone can cause anxiety and stress. Especially, if it's something that seems to be lingering on the list for a long time. It's a  really good feeling to know that something that's been left undone has finally been done!

A few years ago, I began to look at the overabundance of activity in my life and I was surprised to see that there were some things I spent valuable time on that were things that didn't improve quality of life for anyone, but still took up an incredible amount of time. It was during that time I decided to learn how to say, "No."

I made myself believe that I did not have to say "Yes" to every invitation to serve on a committee or work on a project that came along.  It was liberating to spend a few more evenings at home and I found I had more time to invest in things that were more important.

There are still times when I catch myself raising my own stress level by overextending myself and spending too much time on things I'm not convinced are vital. Therefore, my goal for the rest of this year is to take a good look at the "things" in my life, weigh their importance compared to the people in my life, and make adjustments where necessary!

You should do the same!



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