The past should be left in the past.
Otherwise, it can destroy your future.
Live life for what tomorrow has to offer,
not for what yesterday has taken away.
-- unknown
It would be impossible to remember the number of times I've heard someone say, "Just do only live once!" or "Seize the day!"
I am often reminded of a friend of mine whose life ended much too soon, and each time I think of him, I am reminded that we never know what life is going to have in store for us and that it is important to live each day to the fullest.
Benjamin Franklin said, "If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality."
There are days when we waste our time, as well as our mental and spiritual energy obsessing over past failures or hurtful incidents. We worry about all the things that "should have been" and we dwell on our anger against someone for something said or done that caused us pain or embarrassment.
Dwelling on those things can cause us to miss an opportunity, to build a new relationship or even start a new career. It may also cause insomnia, anxiety, ulcers, or a host of other health problems.
I challenge you to STOP!
Stop letting those things from the past that are unnecessary in your life today control your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical well-being.
Make today, the day you decide to leave the bad things behind and concentrate on what tomorrow has to offer!
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