Saturday, May 19, 2012


Once you do nothing, it's hard to quit.
 -- unknown

Have you ever looked around your home or office and thought to yourself, "I really need to clear the top of my desk," or "I really have to get that closet cleaned out," then, in frustration, said to yourself, "There's no way I can get to that today!"

Even some of  my most organized friends have confessed they have delayed completing daunting tasks when the job seemed too overwhelming!

Sometimes we put those monumental tasks off because we've mistakenly bought into the idea that every single task begun must be finished with no interruption in the process -- that failing to complete every single thing on the "to do" list is tantamount to failure!

The thing to remember is that no matter the size of the task, you have to break it down into "pieces" to accomplish completion!

Doing "nothing" that moves you closer to finishing the job accomplishes just that -- NOTHING!

It's easy to put things off again and again when the assignment is one that you know will consume a lot of time.

My challenge on this day is to do SOMETHING that will move you toward the completion of that really enormous task that has been set before you!  (You might find it interesting to keep track of how many steps, or how much time it involves to actually finish the task!)



It only takes a spark....

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame 
by an encounter with another human being. 
Each of us owes the deepest thanks 
to those who have rekindled  this inner light. 
--Albert Schweitzer

One definition of the word "kindle" is: to light up, illuminate, or make bright. One might say, "Happiness kindled her eyes!"

I'm sure you've seen it before -- that "light" in a person's eyes when they are with someone who cares about them or someone who is a special "forever friend" who knows them better than anyone else.

I trust and hope that everyone reading this blog has that one good friend who knows, (and keeps) your confidence. It's that special friend who knows the goodness in you and knows about the times you've made mistakes....and loves you anyway!

It's the friend who came to you when you were feeling low and spoke words of encouragement, offered a hug for good measure and reminded you of your "inner light"....all the while asking nothing in return!

I know you're probably thinking of someone right now, so take just a few minutes and look up an email address, find that friend on Facebook, or even better,  give that very special someone a call...right now, while you're thinking of it!  It's time to say Thank You!

It's time to tell that extraordinary person that you are humbly grateful for the encouragement...for the "rekindling" of your inner light!



Thursday, May 17, 2012

Keep on moving....

Enjoy when you can and endure when you must.
Johann Wolfgang von Goebe

Have you ever said to yourself, "If I can just get through this week, I will be fine!"

At times, we become so overloaded with work, civic, and family responsibilities it seems nearly impossible to believe it can all be done!

It's during those times we stop and "make a plan" to get things in order  and prioritize. Then, with a fierce determination we soldier on, accomplish the task, and promise that we'll never allow life to get that crazy again!

But what about the times when emergencies arise, when bad things happen, and life seems to go from from bad to think it can't possibly get any worse....then it does.

If we're not careful, those times of crisis or tragedy can overtake us and cause us to mentally, socially, spiritually, and sometimes physically "shut down". 

It's during those times we have to square our shoulders up, take a deep breath and just keep moving!  The very act of doing SOMETHING helps us endure those things life throws at us!

Doing SOMETHING to actively manage your situation, (instead of letting the situation manage you!)  will help you face the fear that may arise from the very circumstance you are facing.

Doing SOMETHING will help you stay focused on a positive outcome and enable you to pay attention to those around you who may be reaching out to help you.

My challenge for you is this: If life's troubles have brought you down, stop for just a little while.  (You may as well spend a bit of time praying while you're already on your knees!) 

Then...look up!  Look for something to do!  Look for someone who is probably already there, reaching out to help you!

Lastly, when you've made it through the struggle, look around and find someone else who is enduring the same kind of situation and reach out and lend a little encouragement!



Sunday, May 6, 2012

Here's what I want....

A positive attitude focuses on what you do want.
A negative attitude focuses on what you don't want.
Connie Podesta & Jean Gatz

Have you ever noticed when there's perceived trouble the conversations seem to focus on the very thing that no one seems to want?  

Whether it's an elected official, or some other leader that people are disappointed in or a situation that simply needs to change to improve the quality of life for everyone involved, we find ourselves listening to people reiterate the same negative information over and over.

To a certain extent, maybe we've all been caught up in the cycle of negativity at one time or another.

As we begin this new week, my challenge to you is to think about the negative things you've heard in the past few weeks, then write down something positive you would like to see happen in that very situation.  It may be something you need to accomplish or it may simply be an overarching goal of improvement in yourself,  your family, or your career.

When negative things are brought up to you, or when they work their way into your thought processes, stop, remind yourself of that good thing you would like to see come about, then move toward doing something that can help make that good thing a reality!

Have a good week!

