Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Goals for 2014

It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goal. 
The tragedy in life lies in having no goal to reach.
Benjamin E. Mays

I find myself, once again, writing a blog post and wondering how it could have been so long since I last posted something here!  It's a little disappointing to know I've let a busy lifestyle and dealing with life in general get in the way of doing something I really enjoy!  Maybe it's because I never really set a goal for how many posts I would write in a year's time.

Benjamin E. Mays believed the real tragedy comes when one has no goal set, so I am going to set a goal for blogging in 2014!  But, let's make this about 36 posts for 2014?  That's 3 posts per month, an improvement on 2013!

I've thought about goals for the upcoming year and other than writing 36 blog posts, my overarching goal is to focus on one word in 2014. That word is  peace.  There are many tasks and projects I need to finish and a certain level of productivity and equanimity I am hoping to achieve.  Finishing those tasks and projects and increasing my ability to feel a better sense of stability and composure will go a long way towards helping me feel peaceful.  Undone tasks have a way of zapping my energy levels!

What are your goals for 2014? What if you set some new kinds of goals this year?  Goals for relationships with family and friends? Goals for improving your spiritual well-being? Goals for improving your health?  What if, like me, you set a goal to strive for peace in your life this year?What will have to happen to achieve your life of peace?



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